As National Nursing Week unfolds, Petal is proud to join our voice in support of the nurses in...
Reduce wait times, provide timely access to the right care for patients while maximizing resources and increase revenues.
Réduisez la charge de travail manuel, optimisez les flux de travail interdépartementaux, et ayez un aperçu en temps réel sur les ressources inactives afin d’offrir des soins de qualité exceptionnelle; tout en minimisant les bris de couverture.
Coverage capacity is a multifaceted challenge, particularly in the complex world of healthcare. A comprehensive platform that addresses these various dimensions is essential—but the real advantage lies in its ability to scale seamlessly based on your organization's maturity level and evolving needs.
Sans une visibilité en temps réel du fournisseur, la pénurie de main-d'œuvre engendre un personnel surchargé et des temps d’attente dans la prestation des soins. La centralisation des disponibilités des cliniciens et des ressources au sein d’une seule plateforme permet de combler les bris de service proactivement et d’assurer une prise en charge des patients en continu.
La planification manuelle des horaires entraîne des risques de non-conformité et de surcharge pour certains. L’automatisation de cette tâche réduit la charge administrative, assure une répartition équitable des horaires et améliore la satisfaction du personnel.
Chaque seconde compte en cas d’urgence et une coordination inefficace peut nuire à votre réponse aux besoins. Le suivi des gardes en temps réel et l’utilisation de moyens de communication instantanés et sécurisés permettent des réponses rapides et coordonnées.
Sans données précises sur les effectifs, l’anticipation des besoins et l’allocation des ressources sont un véritable défi. L’accès à des analytiques de performance aide les gestionnaires à prendre des décisions éclairées concernant la gestion du personnel et l’utilisation des ressources.
Reduce wait times, provide timely access to the right care for patients while maximizing resources and increase revenues.
Coordinate care delivery across multiple sites and regions with real-time data and visibility the ensure efficient use of resources, and improved population health outcomes.
Leverage comprehensive, real-time data to make decisions to maximize healthcare resources and provide equitable access to care.
Automate schedules, simplify on-call management, and reduce administrative overhead to focus on exceptional patient care, not paperwork.
Align patient demand with capacity and track physician billing activity to provide a better patient experience and increase revenue.
Reduce wait times, provide timely access to the right care for patients while maximizing resources and increase revenues.
Coordinate care delivery across multiple sites and regions with real-time data and visibility the ensure efficient use of resources, and improved population health outcomes.
Leverage comprehensive, real-time data to make decisions to maximize healthcare resources and provide equitable access to care.
Petal streamlines healthcare systems by connecting health and medical records, patient engagement tools, care management and revenue cycles in one unified platform. Petal is not one size fits all – and can deliver technology to fit your specific needs.
Patient Flow Management
Get real-time visibility into your capacity, streamline Emergency Department intake, and automatically direct patients to the right providers—ensuring timely care and preventing overcrowding.
Workforce Management
Create balanced schedules, minimize manual tasks, and access real-time on-call availability—improving team more and better patient outcomes.
Healthcare Analytics & Insights
Get real-time visibility into your capacity, streamline ER intake, and automatically direct patients to the right providers—ensuring timely care and preventing overcrowding.
Revenue Cycle Management
Optimize spending, improve billing accuracy, and enhance overall efficiency for greater financial resilience.
Découvrez comment Petal rend les organisations plus agiles, plus efficaces et plus proactives, autant pour les patients et les travailleurs de première ligne.
Enhanced workforce satisfaction with scheduling flexibility and autonomy while reducing administrative burden through scheduling algorithms tailored to each department’s needs.